Happy Day after Labor Day....
Let's not focus on the past...yes, it's been five months and I'm sure most of you think I had crawled under a rock but really, I haven't - I promise.
Summer was SO BLISS...I saw Sheryl Crow and Dave Matthews at FENWAY. It was AMAZING...then I saw Bon Jovi at Gilette Stadium. THAT was incredible. Then a little surprise was Dixie Chicks tickets at the Garden...that was just plain ol' fun. It was my own personal summer concert series :)
My birthday celebrations were fantastic...pool parties, dinners to exotic restaurants, being taken out to lunch three times - just crazy times, I tell you!
I didn't just have a birthDAY - I had a birthMONTH...it was a kick. My IM message reads "Who has better friends than me?" Honestly, I am surrounded by such a wonderful group of friends and family...I'm just speechless about it.
Let's see...the 'new'job (can I call it new after being there over 6 months now?) is still GREAT...the work itself, the people I get to serve with, the students and community - I can't say enough about it all...
My family is doing ok...we went through a major transition this past July with my folks moving from the home they've known for the last 16 years to 'condo living' in a city closer to doctors, hospitals, etc...the hard part is that A) they left the coast to move into 'the city' and B) we all realize that this will most likely be the last place my parents will call their 'earthly home'. Just typing that hurts my heart.
But God is so good...all that is a little nutshell of some events of the past 5 months...I'll try and update more frequently and I SO want to hit your blogs and hear how you're doing!! Leave me a message and say 'hi' :)
Have a great Wednesday!