Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Word choice...

always intrigues me. Whether it's what a person is saying/answering or how they are wording a question, it just fascinates me. I honestly don't think people realize how much they say about themselves with the words they choose.

I had a boyfriend once who used to always make a 'judgement call' of sorts by how people asked questions...did the person dig a little deeper or go for the obvious question when in a given situation? He was a pretty intense guy...

My mom always pounded into us how ignorant people sounded when they swore. To this day, I completely agree with that sentiment. Now, I say this, but hey, I have to admit, I can be ignorant. But when I do swear, boy, do I hear my mom's voice telling me exactly what I sound like.

My sister emailed this morning - the one getting remarried. I have honestly made peace with it all. I mean, thanks to some prayer, sharing with friends, and even comments made by you, the blogfriends I've been blessed with...I trust she's making a good decision & am honestly happy about it.

What triggered this post, though, was her word choice for the subject line of this morning's email. 'Happy at last...' was what she wrote. Gosh, I am so female sometimes it hurts. I can take that phrase and read into it just about 4,378 meanings.

But I don't want to...I just had the most amazing birthday celebration weekend (which started Thursday evening, JR!)with friends that have seen me through literally - the best and worst points of my life...here a muchloved sister of mine is experiencing such a bright joy after going through an incredibly dark time...I am going to join in that sunshiney time with her...I think I need a good dose of it.

Here's to you finding your good dose of sunshine, too. Take care...


Blogger BeckoningChasm said...

I too find word choice interesting. The English language seems to have a wide variety of terms for (honestly) a limited number of items. It's always interesting who uses which about what.

I suppose that's how poetry got started....

3:28 PM  
Blogger Noodles said...

My sister is getting married next May. She's 37 and has been single ever since her son was born 14 years ago. I'm really happy for her because she's happy for the first time in years and has so much more confidence. The only thing is none of the family really like her fiance that much and it's such a shame. He's one of those people who has an opinion about everything and if you dare to disagree with his opinion he fights his corner until you agree with him. He's good to my sister though and they seem to be really compatible.

It's been really useful reading your posts and the comments to see how you've dealt with it. I suppose all we can do is be supportive sisters, no matter what!

I'm pleased you had such a lovely birthday. :)

5:17 PM  

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