Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Oh, you computer gurus!

Here's a question for you...
I'm in SERIOUS need of a new personal computer. I'm thinking laptop because of my need for portability but could do the desktop thing too.
Any suggestions? I know you'll ask, 'Well, what do you need it for?' and it's primarily for the Pampered Chef program (not a huge deal) that I need to run and for basic word processing...I really don't need to much in way of design/graphic capabilities.
(no snide comments about my lameo blog and how, actually, I do!)
Thanks....I'm trying to get some opinions before I cough up the nice chunk of change I'll need for this purchase.
BTW-yeah, never bought my own computer before. Yes, I realize this is 2005 but I've never NEEDED to - had one given to me, used others, etc...I got by. No longer - I need a new one that's my very own :) thanks for any tips.


Blogger Mo said...

To be honest, it sounds like a laptop would be perfect for you. I used to have one but I use my at-home machine mostly for gaming and internet. A laptop just can't handle large graphic games. Anyways, hope this helps a bit.

11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the P.Chef program?
Price range?
Need wireless?
Always on AC or will it need good battery life?
Want to watch DVDs?
What other programs do you have now?

1st two are key. The rest is to get the most for your money.

I'd say get a Mac, but with the Chef program that may not be feasible.

5:30 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

I can't offer anything useful about laptops. Or desktops either for that matter. I have an HP and it works, that's about all I know. LOL

1:15 PM  
Blogger Live, Love, Laugh said...

I have a Sony and I love it, kind of expensive though, Eddo would say get a Dell. I have an Compaq Laptop and I love it too, it works for me, I wanted it to create videographies. Online you can find some good prices on Dell.

10:31 PM  
Blogger Eddo said...

Go with a Dell, or a Sony if you have lots of cash to throw around, othwerwise go to Best Buy and get a Compaq.

And yes, I AM A HUGE FAN OF LOST!!! Don't even get me started - I mean really, DON"T EVEN GET ME STARTED! It is the best show on TV right now as far as I am concerned.

3:29 PM  

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